The Church In Motion
The following is a sermon which I’ve preached in many churches. I turned it into this article for the Spring, 2021 edition of Revitalizer magazine. Like most couples who’ve been married for a long time, Donna and I are very much alike in some ways and yet still very different in other ways. On our […]
Seven Positive Things Pastors Can Do Right Now
These are difficult days for my pastor friends! I keep hearing about anger and division over: COVID prevention strategies, President Biden’s election, charges of voter fraud, threats to civil liberties, local church political involvement, etc. Pastors are taking it on the chin like never before. While there’s little a pastor can do about any of […]
Surviving or Thriving: Options for the Declining Church
Here’s the bad news… 65-90% of American Protestant churches are plateaued or declining in attendance. 1% of America’s Protestant congregations close their doors each year. The average congregation of about 75 in Sunday attendance wins less than one adult unbeliever to Christ per year. Most churches believe that they can keep doing the same […]
Worn-Out Shoes And Fair-Haired Boys
“Why don’t you love me like you used to do? How come you treat me like a worn-out shoe?” Hank Williams Here’s a phenomenon I’ve seen a number of times. If you’re an experienced leader, I’m sure that you’ve seen it too. An older, generally respected, long-time leader of an organization recruits or hires a […]
Sample Elder Covenant
NOTE: I’ve been a part of writing several elder board covenants. This one is my favorite. As elders (Acts 20:28-10; I Peter 5:1-4) we pledge ourselves to: Watch our relationships with God carefully, knowing that we are only as useful to each other and our church as we are close to God. Acts 20:28 Make […]
The Seven Steps Of The Complete Church Assessment
1. Prayer and informing of the congregation by the pastor and board 2. The self-study materials are prepared by the church and sent to the Church Health Consultant 3. A demographic survey (Know Your Community) is purchased by the church and a church health survey is completed by church members (I recommend the Ministry […]
Comprehensive Church Health Assessments
Overview The Comprehensive Church Health Assessment is an opportunity for an evangelical congregation of any size to get a fresh, outsider’s look at its ministries, for a minimal cost. All assessment results are kept strictly confidential. Assessment results will be shared with the senior pastor first and then with the church board. While the […]
Church Health Assessments
The Value of a Fresh Perspective We’ve all had the experience: We’ve walked into a store, a restaurant or a church and were very quickly frustrated. We couldn’t find the Hispanic foods section, or the men’s socks or the rest rooms. Everything seemed to be designed for the people who are already there. You weren’t […]
Becoming Effective Leaders (BEL) Groups For Pastors
Those of us who serve Jesus as pastors deeply long to lead churches which are powerfully used by God to make real disciples – devoted followers – of our Savior. We want to lead disciple-making, transformational churches and we don’t want to just “spin our wheels” until it’s time to retire. But how do we […]
Twenty Observations About Troubled Congregations
By Peter Steinke I have worked with troubled churches for 20 years. I never cease to learn from these experiences. The list below includes some of what I have learned about congregations in times of conflict: 1. Most people are interested in relieving their own anxiety rather than managing the crisis or planning for a […]
A Little More Detail On Brian’s Consulting Work
Help for SOLO and SENIOR PASTORS: Monthly, leadership-oriented coaching sessions via phone or Zoom “Listening ear” coaching/counseling sessions Revitalization leadership training, by way of Becoming Effective Leaders (BEL) groups of 3-8 pastors. BEL group participants meet monthly for nine months and gain leadership and church revitalization skills in the context of personal coaching and great […]
QUICK GUIDE – Pastoral Resignations (13 Ways To Leave With Grace)
Don’t go away mad. Seek a trusted advisor and work through your anger issues. Resign because God is leading you to resign, not because your emotions are leading you to resign (Ephesians 4:25-31). If God is leading you to resign, don’t equivocate or expect to be talked into staying. Make it clear and firm […]