Spatial Disorientation – Pastor: Do You Know The Condition Of Your Pastorate?

My wife and I have been learning about spatial disorientation by listening to airline disaster podcasts.  The phenomenon occurs when pilots, unable to see the ground because of darkness or bad weather (pilots call it “goo”), become unable to determine their aircraft’s true position relative to the ground. Their senses tell them, for instance, that […]

A Special Offer For Hungry Pastors

“I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it”           Psalm 81:10 Sorry pastor, I’m not offering restaurant gift cards today, but I want to talk to you about your hunger for a revitalized church and I do […]

Thirteen Challenges For The Retiring Pastor

“I feel like a man without a country” – Recently retired pastor I’ve been writing about the challenges faced by soon-to-retire or newly retired pastors. Here’s a slightly amended paragraph from my posts: Lame Ducks Can Still Fly: Twelve Projects Retiring Pastors Can Work On and Twenty Ways To Redeem Your Pastoral Retirement. No other […]

Is Church Revitalization A Scary New Concept?

Last week I wrote about disciple-making as an irritating new trend. No, I don’t think it’s an irritating new trend; I think it’s a wonderful, old trend. But I’m well aware of the fact that many church people have a serious case of “new idea fatigue.” They are weary and leery of new pastors with […]

Is The Disciple-Making Movement The Latest Irritating Trend?

Those of you who are devoted to the current disciple-making movement probably find my title to be absurd, and I suppose it is. Just to clarify: The disciple-making movement says simply that we American evangelicals need to “fix” our discipleship paradigm, our idea of what a mature or maturing devoted follower of Jesus looks like. […]

Twenty Ways To Redeem Your Pastoral Retirement

Like finally reaching Wally World and finding it decrepit and closed, retirement is a profound disappointment to so many hard-working people who were led to see it as the exciting destination at the end of their labors. I was young and naïve when I heard that my Uncle Fred had just retired and was driving […]

Lame Ducks Can Still Fly – Twelve Projects Retiring Pastors Can Work On

There’s something happening in a church near you: the pastor is moving toward retirement.  I’m told that the average age of pastors in America has risen to about sixty. While many pastors continue on in full-time ministry way past the typical retirement age of sixty-five, pastors at sixty are usually at least thinking about it. […]

Loving Your Enemies, In Church

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:43-45a We all know this simple command.  It’s challenging enough when we think in terms of […]

Taking On The Crowd: 23 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Rebuking Your Congregation

Sooner or later, most pastors will sense that it’s time to “take on,” confront, rebuke or correct their congregation. Some combination of (1) his people’s words or behaviors (2) a compelling teaching of the Bible (3) the constraint or leadership of the Holy Spirit, or (4) the pastor’s own impassioned spirit, will convince him that […]

The Advantages Of Getting Old And Tired

I don’t want to sound pathetic.  I’m not that old and I’m not that tired either, but I’m older than I used to be (and so are you) and I’m less energetic than I used to be (and you probably are too). This world which we all live in views this as tragic.  Youth is […]

Exposing Ten Church Revitalization Myths, Part Two

In my last post I launched into exposing ten myths about the revitalization of churches.  I began with this “googled” definition: Revitalization is the “action of imbuing something with new life and vitality”. In light of this, admittedly, secular definition, instead of asking if every church needs revitalization, maybe we should be asking if any church doesn’t need […]

Exposing Ten Church Revitalization Myths, Part One

rēˌvīdələˈzāSH(ə)n,rēˌvīdlˌīˈzāSH(ə)n Noun – The action of imbuing something with new life and vitality. “The city has seen revitalization of its economy” Thanks to Mr. Google for the above. The idea of church revitalization assumes that at some point in time the congregation in question was teeming with life. While this is clearly not the case with every church, […]